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Mr. Arden Griffiths, CEO & Team

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Mr. Griffiths  boasts an impressive career spanning over three decades, encompassing domestic and international expertise in civil and criminal investigations, personal injury claims investigations (SIU), research and background investigation, medical records review, insurance fraud claims, domestic violence protection, aviation investigation, firearm instructor, unarmed combat instructor, private investigator, dignitary protection officer, security officer instructor, state licensed therapist, certify chiropractic assistant, and board of education-approved private investigator instructor.


Mr. Griffiths holds the distinction of being among the pioneering individuals who  managed one of the most reputable international Agencies, "Intelligence Security and Investigations Services  during the early 1980s. His notable achievements include the training of thousands of officers and investigators in security, firearm, and investigative procedures. Additionally, he provided invaluable consultancy services to prominent institutions such as the US Embassy,  International Airport, and various major security firms, contributing to the implementation of robust security protocols, training programs, and strategic insights.

Furthermore, Mr. Griffiths played a pivotal role in executing numerous joint undercover investigation operations, overseeing logistics and dignitary protection services to Executive and politicians.


Special Branch Management & staff and associates providers is  consisted  of highly  trained professionals including present and former law enforcement & corrections officers, retired military , attorneys, computer and cyber security  experts, insurance adjusters, fraud specialists, SIU investigators, NRA and law enforcement firearms instructors, As well as domestic & international dignitary protection officers and Investigative partners . Our unwavering commitment is to deliver the highest caliber of service with compassion and integrity, always adhering to legal standards, and presenting only the unadulterated facts and services to achieve our clients' objectives.




Florida Private Investigator & Detective Services

State Licensed Agency # A1800066

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